Stevia is natural best substitute for Sugar and being herbal has been agent to healthier lifestyle choices .

While most products in the category claim purity, and being natural stevia extract, the sweetness however varies as per formulation i.e stevia concentrate, usually accompanied with a bitter aftertaste.

Ray Stevia is 99.8% pure stevia extract, minus all calories, fructose and all negative effects of sugar,  leaving no bitter after taste, usually present in all stevia extracts. Finally, a stevia extract that completely replaces sugar.

Stevia have been in the conversation for quite some time, but remains largely clinical/medicinal in the consumers mindset rather than a lifestyle choice to completely replace sugar. How can we shift this?


Presenting the Stevia product as Ray No Sugar, works both  for –
Sugar conscious users-  The logo Strikethrough Sugar alarms/intrigues this customer.
Sugar lovers– is perceived of a healthy alternate to the existing sugar,  a nudge for a healthier lifestyle.

The package design was executed such that one literally tears the word Sugar while opening.
Package Insert 

The active polygonal triangles interpreted as the good granules of Stevia sweetness.  

The use of the Strike through language extended to communication layouts.
Ray No Sugar - Stevia Extract available in 3 packaging SKUS.
3D Packshots - Anket Pagare
Graphic Designer - Priyanka Barcha Shroff
Copywriter- Smita Misra

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